How to Make Delicious Pinearrot Cocktail

Pinearrot Cocktail.

Pinearrot Cocktail You can cook Pinearrot Cocktail using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Pinearrot Cocktail

  1. You need of carrot juice.
  2. Prepare of pineapple juice.
  3. It's of shot malibu rum (or more if u would like).
  4. You need of cute drink umbrella.
  5. You need of marachino cherries.

Pinearrot Cocktail step by step

  1. In a shaker with ice combine carrot juice, pineapple juice and rum. (Or use a glass of ice).
  2. Shake or stir..
  3. Drain into a serving glass of choice..
  4. Place cherries onto umbrella stick..
  5. Place on top of glass...
  6. Serve cold and enjoy!.

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